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"You Said This Would Help" shows again how birth control is not a valid option for endometriosis treatment and it can actually worsen the disease.

This piece is to visually represent that birth control is not a viable or lasting treatment option for chronic uterine and ovarian diseases such as endometriosis. This shows the multiple types of birth control that has been tried and has made symptoms worse as a way of "treatment"

This piece is to represent the growth of learning to accept oneself despite living in chronic pain and the solidity that one can find through those difficult times. This is shown through the cut outs in the body and showing the endometriosis in the body.

This vase is painted with term that are often said to women with uterine and ovarian health diseases. While these hurtful phrases are not true of the diseases, they are a hurtful and untrue standard that many people falsely believe.